Celebrate Pancake Day on February 28!

Are you ready to celebrate Pancake Day on February 28? Snazzing up daily routines and activities spark interest and novelty, providing your family with fun experiences and giving your family something fun to remember. You can celebrate Pancake Day in so many ways and many involve, yep, pancakes!
Make pancakes
Whether it’s from scratch or from a mix, go ahead and make pancakes.
Shake things up a bit and use cookie cutters to create novel shapes. Spray the inside of a metal cookie cutter with cooking spray and spoon the pancake batter in it. Cook the pancake with the cookie cutter in place. Before flipping the pancake, gently remove the cookie cutter using tongs. Be careful – the cookie cutter will be hot. Once the pancake is released, then flip and cook as usual.
You can go free form with your pancake formation to make snowmen, caterpillars, rabbits, teddy bears or whatever your creativity can think of using spoons and mixing bowls to pour out the creations.
Prep the pancakes
Not sure what everyone likes on their pancakes? Go ahead, and set up a pancake bar so everyone gets what they want. Set out toppings for your family for them to experiment and enjoy chocolate chips, berries, whipped cream, peanut butter, crumbled bacon, marshmallows and maple syrup.
Pancakes for supper!
Shaking up the routine can prompt language as your children ask why things are different. Whether you have pancakes for breakfast, lunch or dinner today, have fun with it!
Read about pancakes
You can feed your brain stories about pancakes with these good reads:
If You Give a Pig a Pancake by Laura Numeroff
Pancakes for Breakfast by Tomie dePaola
Pancakes, Pancakes! by Eric Carle
Curious George Makes Pancakes by Margaret & H.A. Rey
Jann Fujimoto, MS CCC-SLP, enjoys peanut butter and maple syrup on her pancakes. She’s also a speech-lanuage pathologist and owner of SpeechWorks LLC. SpeechWorks helps children become confident and competent communicators in Lake Country homes, schools, pre-schools and afterschool programs as well as in offices in Waukesha and Oconomowoc.