Online speech therapy

The American Speech-Language Hearing Association defines telepractice as “the application of telecommunications technology to the delivery of speech-language pathology and audiology professional services at a distance by linking clinician to client or clinician to clinician for assessment, intervention, and/or consultation.”
SpeechWorks has provided speech-language therapy services through telepractice since 2014 to individuals and school districts throughout the state of Wisconsin and children all around the world.
Is telepractice right for my child?
SpeechWorks considers the age, areas of concern, and attention span of each client when determining if telepractice is a good fit.
Why telepractice?
Telepractice offers a convenient option for speech therapy services, allowing increased accessibility of services. Some communities may not have easy access to a speech-language patghologist. Telepractice allows the opportunity to safely social distance while still receiving services, and families save time instead of driving to and from office appointments.
How is it done?
Families and the speech-language pathologist each log into a HIPAA-compliant platform for their services. SpeechWorks clients do not need to download an additional app.
Does it work?
Yes, but just like in-person speech therapy, practice and carryover in the home environment are important.
Contact SpeechWorks for a 20 minute complimentary consultation to learn if telepractice services make sense for your child.