SpeechWorks’ Seventh Birthday

On March 15, SpeechWorks turns 7!
I still remember the excitement of filing for a business license, opening bank accounts, getting a post office box, and depositing the very first check. I deposited all but $1 at the bank. The teller figured out what I was doing and found a crisp dollar bill for me. That dollar bill is still tacked on a bulletin board in my home office.
SpeechWorks began when I still had a full-time job. As my private practice client load increased, I was able to decrease my full-time job and left after about eighteen months. Seeing students online through telepractice allowed me to maximize my reach throughout Wisconsin while also seeing Lake Country area clients in person.
In the seven years, SpeechWorks has grown to include other speech-language pathologists, allowing us to serve more families and schools in Lake Country.
Thank you for trusting SpeechWorks to work with your children, to present to your preschool staff, and to provide continuing education. I’m still excited as I was on March 15, 2013!