Talk Like a Pirate Day
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Ahoy mateys! Aaar you ready for Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19?
Whether you’re inspired by the Pirates of the Caribbean or Captain Jake and the NeverLand Pirates, use this pirate translator to help you kick off the day.
Here are some other fun ways to celebrate the day:
1) Pirate coloring pages Parrots, patches and pirates – oh my!
2) Pirate word search Search for more than treasure with these fun word hunts.
3) Origami pirate hat All pirates worth their salt have the proper attire.
4) Pirate grub Prepare some grub from a pirate themed cookbook. You can put a twist on any meal you might be making by renaming them with pirate themed-names such as:
Green grog – lemon-lime soda over green sherbet
Seaweed Salad
Treasure Island Tacos
Land Lubber Lasagna
Marshy Macaroni & Cheese
Skull and Crossbones Spaghetti
Parrot Pizza
Shiver Me Letters: A Pirate ABC
The Pirates Next Door
If you have concerns about your child’s non-pirate talking, then contact SpeechWorks to see how we can help.